When You Don’t Know What To Do
Day #8 of Fear, Trust and Learning to Tell a More Hopeful Story
When you don’t know what to do, and it doesn’t seem like there’s any good choices or actions to take:
Stop trying to figure it out. Stop trying to make sense of it. Stop trying to make a plan. Stop trying with your mind to manage and control reality. The mind trying to micromanage reality by plotting, planning, strategizing.
Reality is larger, more complex and far more magical and ma than the mind’s ability to comprehend or make sense of it.
Drop out of your mind and into your body
Notice what it is you are feeling. Notice what gives you energy or a feeling of lightness. Don’t try to talk yourself out of your feelings. Let yourself be. Recognize energies and allow yourself to feel. Dancing singing, moving, playing, walking are embodied states of feeling in action
Notice what lights you up..
Notice what gives you a surge of excitement. Pay attention to heat of any fire you can feel. Wearing sparkling costume jewelry makes me feel a little like Mae West. I’m trying to cultivate that feeling cause embodying sly and sexy makes me feel like maybe I too could have what it takes to be a goddess and a badass.
Noticing what lights you up give you the ability to get the kind of feedback that you need to move in a direction that is empowering.
What will create a door, uncover a path, reveal a new possibility may not be at first obvious. Chances are you won’t recognize it until you’ve passed a threshold and are on the other side of it.
When you don’t know what to do, and it doesn’t seem like there’s any good choices, stop trying to figure it out, take embodied action, and fee your way in the dark, towards what delights and lights you up.