Virtual lover or a real kiss?
Which would you choose?
Here’s a thought experiment: If you were given the choice between
A) a virtual lover who fulfills all your fantasies, say and does the all the right things or
B)the kiss from a real human being, who comes with emotional baggage and is guaranteed to disappoint you at some point.
Which would you chose?
With the virtual lover, chances are very high that you could have a successful, even perfect relationship, or at least one that won’t push your buttons. You can dictate the terms of the relationship. It can be as long or as short as you wish. You can breakup at any point without having to give any explanation. If you want, you can have a prototype built and pose for photographs which you can use to decorate your walls and send to your relatives and post on Facebook.
With the real person, and nothing is guaranteed, except that at some point one or both of you will change in ways you cannot anticipate, and you won’t know what to day or do. The end will be messy, awkward, anxiety- producing, sometimes heart breaking.
What is it that makes a relationship worth having in real life? What can fantasies not replace?