Unfinished Doodle
#30 of 30 days of Doodle Experiments in White on Black
I think it’s fitting that the ink ran out on the last of my white ink pens before I could finish this doodle. So Day #30 of my 30 days of doodle experiments is unfinished. Perhaps that is the nature of an experiment. You ask a question and find some answers, but one question, like one experiment always leads to another. This practice has taught me that while I am often impatient to arrive, there is much to be said for not arriving, for being in a continual state of seeing what happens on this day, knowing and feeling this is a small part of a much deeper flow. Perhaps, like a river, the flow continues with or without you noticing, but I can’t help but think, it, like a river grows stronger, because you showed up to greet it and hasten in onward.