The Way Of March
The way of darkness
and stirring winds
The way of the turning
and of spinning time
The way of dawn, of strong-necked crocuses
how fiercely they break the hardened topsoil
The way of eager sunlight
how it spills across shadows
The way the light lingers
as neighbors sometimes do
or a conversation that lulls and settles
into companionable silence
The way of crows
riotous in the tree tops
shaking with gossip, warnings
with laughter
The way of the moon’s phases
The way of seedlings
The way of storms
The way March arrives
bracing with pipes bursting
with unpredictable winds and icy patches
the way warmth softens
settles and soothes
To begin this poem I went to a file I have of collected words and phrases. I call it The Poetry Foundry. It is a collection of fragments, phrases I like, overheard lines from a conversation, titles, interesting words, verbs, nous, adjectives I like. I came across “The Way of Birds” and used that to start this poem, thinking about the way of things and also the month of March.
Poetry Prompt: Make a Poetry Foundry. or Word Vault or Fabulous Chamber of Linguistic Secrets. Start collecting words and fragments that may become future poems. The process of collecting interesting sounding words is itself part of practicing a poetic sensibility.