Strive to be yourself, fully authorized.
You cannot measure yourself accurately using other people’s rulers.
“Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.” — Goethe
Do not study how to be like anyone else. Study, how you may become more yourself.
Ignore the messages telling you that you are not okay, that someone else knows better than you. Do not follow their methods, no matter the guarantee.
Whatever feels exciting, daring, scary with unknown possibilities, unthinkable because it’s not the sort of the you’ve ever done or imagined you can do; begin there.
Learn what moves and inspires you. Sense into, then give your enthusiasm full reign to move with, rather than against, your body, mind, emotions, spirit.
I wonder how often we know what our our bodies want? Can we recognize what our spirits long for, apart from social expectation and the noisy voices of approval-seeking ambition?
Instead of endless projects of self improvement, take time to not do anything. To notice what the pause in between productive work might reveal.
Get to know who you are intimately. Give credence to your own way of being in the world.
When you authorize your own way of being, you signal to others, it’s okay to be who you are. There is no ideal to live up to, only the call of your imagination.