Modern Love
or, The Adequate Adulterer
A winsome widow dreamed
of a love affair
with a man tall and handsome,
cultured, debonair
Wealthy, with biceps
In well-fitted suits
gallant, bearing flower
in ardent pursuit.
Instead she met a man
of average height
married and balding,
unusually bright.
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(every other week)
understandably distracted,
her attention was piqued.
Their first date he told her
he couldn’t commit,
his wife, unstable
and given to fits.
His life was not his,
his dreams were on hold
he confessed to her secrets
hidden deep in his soul.
He held back tears
so sensitive, so circumspect.
Not perfect, she mused,
but what can you expect?
It’s so difficult to find
in this modern day,
a man like her dearly departed,
so perfect in every way.
Their second date he cancelled,
called later on to say,
An emergency at home;
He’d thought of her all day.
Their third date he told her
it couldn’t go on.
Their fourth date, they parted
a last dance to their song.
They met for coffee later,
to process and to grieve
To sort out a few misunderstandings
thing she’d misperceived.
They declared themselves soul mates
in another life,
How could a love as pure as theirs
cause such pain and strife?
After six months of therapy,
his wife had had enough.
Their divorce acrimonious;
she threw out all his stuff.
The next day he moved in
He’d also lost his job
For months all he did
was lay on her couch and sob
Soon she noticed
little things
she hadn’t seen before:
He never did the dishes,
or held for her the door.
He rambled on about his pain,
but never thought to ask
about her needs, still unmet
The traumas of her past
She changed all the locks
to dampen his ardor.
She dated other men.
He promised he’d try harder.
After three months of therapy
they made a breakthrough;
He had commitment issues,
in fact, he had pursued
A woman much younger,
more understanding, kind,
someone with whom,
he could speak his true mind.
He didn’t wish to hurt her,
His loyalty was torn
But she was so judgmental,
so ready to scorn
his feelings and his needs;
she made such strict demands.
He tried, but this new love
was out of his hands.
Modern love is complicated,
the winsome widow mused,
while into his soup she stirred
laburnum seeds diffused.
He died suddenly,
before he had dessert,
Naturally she was distraught,
but she couldn’t quite avert
her eyes from a cousin
Who’d come to pay respects,
recently divorced,
still friends with his ex
She cried on his shoulder,
he offered her a tissue.
Shorter than she liked,
but everyone has issues.
It’s so difficult, she told him,
in this modern day,
to find love like my dearly departed,
so perfect in every way.
From For Adults Who Were Once Children