Calling All Disobedient Femmes
Looking for a few creative badasses to foment a playful, creative, seriously sexy revolution
I’m on a mission to become a disobedient femme:
Obedient: One who carries out the will of another, often out of fear and threat of punishment.
Disobedient: One who knows her own mind and listens to the truth of her body and is willing to act on her own behalf: one who is self-regarding.
A Disobedient Femme: One who trusts what she knows and acts on the authority of conscience, her body, her heart. Fully alive to what excites and fascinates inspires her. Generous and open. A formidable for force for good.
In my imaginings, she’s a saucy broad to boot — Mae West with her with her sly sexual witty quips and knowing gaze.
That’s my current version of the Disobedient Femme.
Your version will be different.
Here is what I know:
Everyone possesses magic: hidden talents, deep longings, dreams and stories and experiences to be expressed, wisdom to be shared, gifts aching to be given.
You can borrow someone else’s magic for a time. Like an apprentice who first learns by imitation, under the temporary tutelage of a magician, you can learn a lot from other people’s magic.
But to be a magician, rather than a magician’s assistant, you will have to invent your own magic. There is no way around it.
You will have to use it to get yourself out of the boxes you’ve been put in, and those you’re most comfortably hanging out, hiding inside of. We’ve all, at some point tried to get out of the box by sawing ourselves in half.
What kind of magic trick might we invent to call the discarded parts of ourselves back, to create magic tricks that restore what was lost, that invite us to be whole?
Your magic is a heady elixir of your experiences, your stories, your commitments, your fondest dreams, and your talents engaged, received and in demands.
When you discover your magic, it will be far more imaginative and transformative than any of the old magic tricks you performed in service to someone else’s vision.
You will know you have discovered your magic because you feel: more alive, more and new emotions, taken with bouts of wild enthusiasm, deeply turned on, deeply fulfilled.
The world needs our magic liberated, expressed, activated. engaged.
It’s time for us to come creatively, playfully, ecstatically, alive.
I’m looking for my posse, magicians assistants who can no longer remain in the shadows, those who know they can’t go back, even if they don’t know how to go forward.
I’m looking for those who want to laugh more and longer and louder, who are willing to be afraid and do things anyway, because staying in a too small place is really no longer an option.
I know you’re out there
I am calling out to you: meet me here. Or, tell me, how to find you. We need each other.
We have secrets to share.
P.S. is the best place to find me.