( A poem a day, everyday for a month — #5)
Always open, the door always
Left ajar
Only the room is empty, save for the One that
Never leaves, peers hungrily at
Exits never taken
Acrostic poems are a good way of inviting new words and structures into your poems. I find I tend to use the same vocabulary and similar structures. In writing an acrostic, you work with two constraints: The word at the beginning of reach line must begin with a given letter, and your choice of words throughout the poem is shaped by the meaning of the word as a whole. In poetry, and in other creative endeavors, constraints or limitations are what inspires new forms of expression and novel, unexpected insights.
Poetry Prompt: Create an Acrostic Poem
Take a word and use the first letter of each line as the first line in a poem. See if you can in some way also express or comment on the meaning of the word you have chosen.