A Small Poem For Resistance
(A Poem a Day, Every Day for a month, #18)
Whistles, clicks, dings, tricks
salivate you to the attention
you’ve always craved:
Do they like me? Really
really like me?
Those little red bells
ring for you,
only for you, but
Do not answer.
Let praise and censure,
equally de-centering,
Do not study
the fears that loom larger
in this regnant reality
The disasters, the howling phantasmas
that tell you
to run,
run away,
Do not disappear
by invitation
by design.
Stay, and let your feet anchor
into the rich, soft soil
holding you,
Let it.
And let your tongue
taste the wind
the scent of sweet daphne
Languorous, fragrant, pulsing
and feel the sunlight
the moon glow
a thousand invisible gifts
swarming round you
pollinating this life
your body
No one can exile you
from your home
while you remain
You might also be interested in what motivated me to start writing a poem a day: